The Joy and important procedures in Ga Traditional Marriage in Ghana.

Ga Traditional Marriage
By; Eugenia Naa-Korkoi Quarcoo(DCS20742)

The Ga speaking people, believed to be immigrants who came down the Niger
River and settled along the South East coast of Ghana around the 17 th century. The
men were fisher folks and the women traders as sources of livelihood. They later
settled in the independent towns of Accra (Ga Mashie, Osu, La, Teshie, Nungua,
Tema) etc. To them marriage is more than two consenting adults in love, and more
like uniting two families. This is very thorough, here is a look into how marriage is
contracted amongst the Ga folks.

It all starts with 4 preliminary steps: Hiejiemo or formal Introduction. This is
where the prospective suitor comes from hiding and formally introduces himself to
the prospective wife’s family. This is accompanied by 2 half pieces of wax prints
and 2 bottles of Gin done by the sisters or aunties of the young man without him
being present and on behalf of his parents.

Father of the young man sends emissaries to inform lady’s family (Agboshimo).

The 2nd stage is Agboshimo or Knocking. At this stage the family (father) of the
young man sends emissaries to inform the girl’s family once again to inquire if the
girl is available for marriage and also about his intent to pluck the bloomed flower,
if she has not been betrothed. This is also accompanied by 2 bottles of Gin,
whisky, cartons of beer and soda and a token amount of money. The delegation is
then given a date to return for feedback.

The 3 rd is Nokplemo or Acceptance. On the said date, the family of the prospective
wife prepares and a few close family members gather to meet the prospective
suitor’s family. They are well received, but the process is truncated if the family is
not interested in the union, or if the girl is not available. One the other hand, a
positive response is given and the family returns happily. This ceremony is also
accompanied by refreshment from the girl’s side and a token given in a form of
souvenir as a sign of goodwill. Instantly, a date maybe set for the marriage
ceremony to take place that’s the Shiwo or Declaration of Intent or saved for
another day.
One the D-day is the Gawoo or Engagement. The two families prepare to receive
the items which had been listed to the family of the prospective husband’s family
during the preliminary stages. Here the family of the young man mostly women
perform the ceremony, in a very dramatic fashion. This is done in the open with
friends and loved ones of both parties present.
The items presented by the women in the man’s family, the mother of the bride is
given a half piece of cloth and an amount of money known as Nyenshamonbo.

Items presented by the women in the man’s family
The brothers are not left out, they also take their Akonta Sikan. This is given to the
brothers or male cousin for preventing other
young men from sniffing around. This process
begins after another knocking accompanied by 2
bottles of schnapps and a token amount of
money, as it is always proper to knock before
entering one’s house. The items are then received
by the prospective wife’s paternal aunties.

Akonta-Sikan to be given to the bride’s brother(s).
They then go and present the items to the father of the girl and her uncles awaiting
indoors, according to the Ga tradition. When they are satisfied, they then call their
daughter to inquire one more time if she wants to go through with the marriage.

Putting on of rings
On her approval, they accept the items and the ring is put on her finger in front of
the witnesses gathered, in the olden days, the man was usually not present, so the
sister of the young man puts the ring the on bride. This is accompanied by cartons
of beer, whisky, gin, wine, soft drinks and a token amount of money.

After wards, the man gives the Dowry or
Gglaanihamo. This is a set of items a
woman would need when she transitions
from single-hood into marriage, from wax
clothes, jewelries, under ware, sandals,
head scarfs, cooking utensils, beautifully
packed in a suitcase and also accompanied
by a token amount (the bride price), this
could also be in form of a property to

Bride ready to be presented
the family. Today, this is given to the bride to setup in business even if she is
already employed

Then Shidaa or Thank you. It also comes in the form of drinks or a token amount
of money, for receiving them and allowing them to take away their daughter.

Drinks or a token amount of money, for receiving them..
The family of the young woman, provides refreshment for all present and a
special gift is given to the man’s family as a token of appreciation. The couple is
admonished and prayed for, and advised is shared by the experienced folks and
well - wishers to help them in their journey.
As they say culture is dynamic, modernization has brought Ga couples living
together now. As in the olden days the couple though married still lived in each
other’s family homes but the woman visits every night with her basket of meal to
feed her husband. She returns at the break of dawn to continue the family business
inherited from her mother.

Image Reference

Bride Price
Putting on of rings
Akonta Sikan
Items presented by the women in the man’s family
Drinks or a token amount of money, for receiving


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